Valtteri Bottas becomes a significant shareholder of Pelicans Lahti | Pelicans

Torstai 22.8. 18:00 VS.

Valtteri Bottas becomes a significant shareholder of Pelicans Lahti

After the stock purchase the F1 star becomes the third biggest owner of the team.

Pelicans aims to be the first carbon neutral hockey team in the world. The special jerseys were issued as a part of Lahti European Green Capital 2021 -program.

Nastola (part of Lahti) born F1 star Valtteri Bottas has bought a 10% share of ownership of Finnish hockey organization Lahden Pelicans Oy. Bottas is now the organization's third biggest owner.

- I was a guest of Pelicans at the start of the year and the organization had a series C share issue, which got me thinking about ownership and I became really excited about it. My passion for ice hockey and the desire to support and help a local organization were the biggest reasons to go forward with the negotiations. Pelicans has been always the number one team in hockey for me so I’m really excited about this, explains Bottas who acquired A and B shares which both have voting rights.

Alongside with the significant amount of shares the Nastola born driver made an investment which helps the organization's urgent financial shortage. From next season onwardsthere will be a newly branded sky box in Isku Areena, home arena of the Pelicans, which carries the number 77.

- Getting Bottas aboard means a lot for the organization and brings joy to the whole Pelicans community. He is a top athlete from Päijät-Häme (province of Lahti) and one of the most well known Finnish persons in the whole world. Him joining the owner tier brings a clear added value for the company and we eagerly wait what our cooperation can produce in the future, Tommi Kurkaa, chairman of the Board of Pelicans and the second largest owner of Pelicans, says.

- In this context I would also like to thank the new owners who strengthened our community this season through more than 2,000 series C shares, Kurkaa continues.

The C share issue launched by Pelicans in the autumn will continue so everyone who is interested will still have the opportunity to join Pelicans' ownership level. More information about C shares can be found here.

C share issue available until 30.6.

There are a total of 10 000 C shares available and they cost 100€ each. Therefor the goal of the share issue is to gather 1 000 000€.

Pelicans' financial situation is currently critical and the share issue will play an important role in stabilizing the company's future. The share issue continues until 30.6.2020.

Shares can be acquired digitally in the online service or by visiting the Pelicans office.

Holders of the C shares are entered in the company's shareholder register as owners. C shares do not confer management rights or financial rights in the company, but entitle to benefits and rights specified by the company's Board of Directors.

When acquiring a C share, the new shareholder will receive a physical share certificate, ownand 20€ worth of Arena money, which can be used for Isku Areena's services. The new shareholders will also be listed on Pelicans' website.

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